
EAT $H*T, How Our Waste Can Save The World

Archived Show


Produced by:
East to Edinburgh 2012
July 17 - July 22, 2012
Run Time:
0 Hour, 0 Minute
Showing in Theater

Show Info

By Shawn Shafner
Directed by Rhea Lehman
With Akliah Arthur, Rachel Chatham, and Shawn Shafner

Brown is the new Green in the show that lifts the lid on the Global Sanitation Crisis. Eat $h*t is a devised multimedia performance montage featuring the world’s first and only Poop Guru. Shawn ‘The Puru’ Shafner spreads the Gospel of Poop to inspire everybody to reclaim their shit and deal with it, sustainably! The Global Sanitation Crisis claims the lives of 4000 children every day. The developed world’s culture of ‘flush and forget’ wastes natural resources and consumes massive amounts of electricity. Eat $h*t is a thought-provoking and humorous journey through the history of sanitation, the shaming of shit, and the culture of waste. It is a prayer for the future of poopers everywhere. Take part in a spiritual cleanse, where everyone comes out of the water closet and proudly proclaims, ‘I’m a POOPER!’