
Pecking Order

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Produced by:
American Bard Theater Company
January 29 - February 15, 2025
Run Time:
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Showing in Theater
$32 (incl. a $2 fee) | 59E59 Members: $25

Show Info

By Robin Rice
Directed by Basil Rodericks

Two red-tailed hawks have the nerve to build a nest on a ritzy apartment building on the Upper East Side. Doorman Albert is determined to protect them, but many of the building’s residents aren’t happy about it. Torn between his own dreams and responsibilities, Albert’s love of birds and longing for romance are thwarted by the need to financially support his ailing sister. 

With elements of magical realism, this quirky, heartfelt drama explores the inequalities and conflicts of those who work to serve the wealthy, who work to protect the things they love, and who work to control the pecking order.

Producing Company

American Bard Theater Company

Our mission is to excavate the language of playwrights and create thought-provoking, self-reflective productions that illuminate issues relevant to underrepresented voices. We work to develop our artists' skills by investing in projects that nurture and challenge them.

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