
please excuse my dear aunt sally

Archived Show


Produced by:
One Year Lease Theater Company
September 30 - October 24, 2015
Run Time:
0 Hour, 0 Minute
Showing in Theater

Show Info

By Kevin Armento
Directed by Ianthe Demos
Movement Direction by Natalie Lomonte
Music by Estelle Bajou

With Danny Bernardy, Sarah-Jane Casey, Nick Flint, Christina Bennett Lind, and Ethan Slater

An incredible coming of age story of an affair between a student and his math teacher, told through interactions with the student's cell phone. A breakneck journey from pockets to purses, through text messages and photo galleries, Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally takes us inside a unique perspective on human interaction and unlocks life's most complex equations.

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Photo Caption: Christina Bennett Lind, Ethan Slater, Danny Bernardy, Sarah-Jane Casey, and Nick Flint in PLEASE EXCUSE MY DEAR AUNT SALLY
Photo: Russ Rowland
Photo Caption: Sarah-Jane Casey, Christina Bennett Lind, Ethan Slater, Danny Bernardy, and Nick Flint in PLEASE EXCUSE MY DEAR AUNT SALLY
Photo: Russ Rowland
Photo Caption: Christina Bennett Lind, Danny Bernardy, Ethan Slater, Nick Flint, and Sarah-Jane Casey in PLEASE EXCUSE MY DEAR AUNT SALLY
Photo: Russ Rowland

Producing Company

One Year Lease Theater Company

They are creators of explosive works of theater, out of-the-box, off-the-wall and without constraint. They are in the business of re-imagination. They engineer bright fresh ways to look at the world and at each other. They wield bodies to capture and convey moments that are beyond words They are creators, challengers, collaborators, lovers, fighters and friends. They are an ensemble, a family, an institution and an artistic fulcrum around which art, education, training and inspiration spins. They are One Year Lease.

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"A clever, funny-sad new play; a supple, fast-paced, highly physical production." - The New York Times, Critic's Pick

"It's a gleaming portrait of our collective contemporary existence. The script reads like a lyric epic, filled with short stanzas that propel the story to exquisite effect" - Andy Propst, American Theater Web