Skin Tight by acclaimed playwright Gary Henderson, directed by Nick Flint, is a moving and magical love story, both passionate and brutal. A couple dissect their love with fierce poetry and potent physicality. This One Year Lease Theater Company production is set in New Zealand and encompasses dance, an original score, and extreme physicality.
One Year Lease Theater Company (OYL) is an ensemble company featuring members from Greece, Australia, New Zealand and the United States committed to the creation of new work, the training of young theater artists, the development of new scripts, and the advancement of international collaboration in the theater. Since 2009 OYL has created productions of Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano, Clay Mcleod Chapman’s Teaser Cow, Sladjana Vujovic’s The Tender Mercies, Daniel Keene’s The Killing Room, and Mark Ravenhill’s pool (no water) in
New York City.
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