lolita lolita
By Elizabeth Narciso
Directed by Alfredo Narciso
With Molly Collier, Angel Desai, Biko Eisen-Martin, Ani Mesa, Kelley Rae O'Donnell, Kohl Sudduth, and Viviana Valeria
New for LAByrinth’s 31st season, the company presents LAB: STRIPPED, two-week runs of staged works in progress. More than a reading, but not quite a production, STRIPPED keeps the focus on the script with minimal technical elements.
lolita lolita is a time-traveling joyride through the history of the patriarchy! Helen of Troy, Salome, and Lolita employ all the powers at their disposal: poetry, pop culture, and cherry cake to set the record straight.
LAByrinth Theater Company, founded in 1992 as The Latino Actors Base, was created to deliberately interrupt the racial status quo by giving voice to artists of color and reflecting a world where color is the norm and not the exception. LAByrinth Theater Company is a diverse, impassioned, tightly knit ensemble of multicultural artists that empowers individuals and builds community by creating member driven, incendiary, new works of theater.
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