Part of The Pool Plays 3.0: Three playwrights. Three plays. One remarkable experience.
The Berlin Diaries
By Andrea Stolowitz
Directed by Will Steinberger
With David Greenspan and Rebecca S’manga Frank
The great-grandfather of Oregon Book Award-winning playwright Andrea Stolowitz kept a journal for his descendants after escaping to New York City in 1939 as a German Jew. Following the complicated lure of genealogy, Stolowitz goes back to Berlin to bring the story of her unknown ancestors out of the archives into the light. The record keeps as many secrets as it shares; how do people become verschollen, lost, like library books?
In this complex, contemporary drama about the search for home, fragmented heritage, and Jewish diaspora, two performers scintillate between characters and locations at the border of reality and memory and the intersection of national history and private lives.
We’re creating a sustainable model of artist-led theater production that breaks down the current processes and puts playwrights at the helm – in support of one another and making way for diverse storytellers of tomorrow. Each cohort of The Pool produces three plays in rep; the playwrights are empowered to take matters into their own hands as they lead the production of their original work – from the page to the stage. This year's plays are presented in association with The New Group, who generously provided us with in-kind producing support and embraced and amplified our mission of bringing a playwright-led independently produced model into the mainstream consciousness.
Read more at: www.thepoolplays.org